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  1. Pirates?
  2. entering other countries
  3. Book Research
  4. insurance for passages
  5. Boatless looking for a new boat
  6. harmony boat
  7. Looking to sail with U.S. Cruiserlog friends
  8. Pacific crossing, N or S
  9. Reminder - EPIRB changes
  10. Ericson 38 for cruising?
  11. Gazelle
  12. For profit or not.
  13. Ken Barnes description of situation
  14. GAM Backstay Anetenna?
  15. Sailing up the Amazon river?
  16. Anyone in Trinidad?
  17. Seaman (woman) book?
  18. Info on Endurance Boats
  19. Donna Lange in Tierra del Fuego
  20. Triton vs Columbia 29 vs Alberg 30 vs CD
  21. Number of Cruising Yachts World wide?
  22. Viking Liferafts, safety recall
  23. Timing for W to E Transatlantic?
  24. Large Sizes
  25. Weather Window
  26. Phuket yacht surveyor, any recommendations?
  27. Com-Pac 35
  28. Ken's Epirb @ 5pm PST
  29. Get this man a fishing pole...
  30. blue water cruising boats
  31. Skymate Cruising Satelite email - review
  32. neptune A-1 solid fuel stove
  33. Happy Holidays to all!
  34. Congratulations JeanneP!
  35. Anyone in N Spain right now?