Cruising really big rivers = Was in Vientiene the capital of Laos yesterday - The Lao and the Thai call 'Vientiene' "Wian Chan". Could not get transport back to the Eastern border of Thailand, the trains, buses were full - everyone was/is going to visit relations somewhere for New Year. Decided to take a river boat, could only find a 'long tail' Below is a typical Thai boat
- the one that I got on had a 90 hp Toyota diesel balanced on the transom. Because we were with the current, at times doing close to 30 knots (hand held GPS)
Left Vientiane 17° 40' N x 102° 40' E before midday
Tha Kek 17° 30' N x 104° 50' E
Suvannakhet 16° 25 N x 104° 35' E
Khemmarat 16° 00 N x 105° 10' E arrived here today 4.30 am
Picked up and drove home arriving in Thailand around 7am for coffee.
The Mekong River (Mae Nam Khong - in Thai and Lao)